Baltimore Business Journal - Spotlight

Happy April beautiful people!April is one of my favorite months for a lot of reasons and it's definitely starting off great! I wanted to share with everyone my spotlight on the Baltimore Business Journal I was asked to do. I decided to put all the full interview questions + answers on my blog so that everyone that doesn't have access to the printed version can take a look at this pretty cool spotlight. :) Oh Happy day!

  1. BBJ: What are your main duties? Me: I am responsible for social media strategy and overall content execution for Barcoding, Inc., #SupplyChainGeek Network, and our new digital commerce platform, Buy@Barcoding. My main duties include leveraging social media platforms to create more opportunity and revenue across all business practices. I also direct PR efforts; manage the creation, organization, dissemination, and effectiveness of content across channels; and discover and test new emerging media strategies.
  2. BBJ: What was your first job? Me: My first job out of college was being an accounts receivable/contract administrator for an AV Tech company.
  3. BBJ: Give us a little-known fact about your company Me: A little known fact about Barcoding, Inc. is that the company was founded in CEO Jay Steinmetz’s Baltimore apartment in 1998!
  4. BBJ: Do you have any mentors? Me: Yes, I have various mentors for different aspects of my life. When it comes to business and/or my career, I have been blessed to have some college professors (I attended Loyola University Maryland) and faculty that I keep in contact with and consult when I have any questions or feel like I need direction. I have two older brothers who always offer great advice. Also, Barcoding’s marketing director has become a great mentor for me, especially when it comes to marketing strategies and tactics.
  5. BBJ: What’s the proudest moment of your life? Me: Although I’m still young, the proudest moment was probably getting my Master’s Degree back in 2014 while simultaneously working full time. Seeing my mother’s proud face made it a moment I will cherish forever.
  6. BBJ: What is the biggest challenge of your job? Me: The biggest challenge at my job is just keeping up with ever-changing landscape that is the AIDC (automatic identification and data capture) industry and creating new and innovative ways to appeal to everyone, especially on social media.
  7. BBJ: What’s your favorite local restaurant? Me: This is a very hard question! It really depends on the neighborhood I am in! If I’m in Hampden, I would have to say Golden West; and if I’m in Mt Vernon, I’d probably choose City Café for their brunch on the weekends!

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