Cryoslimming / Cryoskin - What to expect in your first session!

Hi my fellow readers and boss babes!

I am super excited to announce my latest partnership with Plush Hair Salon and Spa! For the next 3 months (or however long I do my 5-10 sessions) I will be documenting my experience trying cryoslimming for the first time through my blog and youtube channel! I am always looking for non-invasive ways I can lose stubborn fat especially my waist and this seemed like the perfect solution read below to learn more about Cryoskin and the different forms.

About Cryoskin:
Cryoskin is a non-invasive treatment used for slimming, cellulite reduction, and toning. The session lasts for about 34 minutes and is done manually through a massage technique. The session begins with heat and then ends in a cold temperature for the duration of the session. No suction, no surgery.

Plush Hair and Spa offer 3 different treatments, Slimming, Toning and Face. Depending on your goals and what you would want to target they’ll see what is best. For me, I decided to go with cryoslimming because I really wanted to both lose inches and fat around my waist. That has always been my problematic area even when I work out or lose weight.

First Session (9.9.20)
I had my consultation a week before my first session where we discussed my goals and what I wanted to get out of the sessions. That’s where we decided I would do cryoslimming to lose inches around my waist. For my first session I decided that I wanted to do it first thing in the morning. They said NOT to have any carbs or sugar 2 hours prior and after your session so I made sure to fast and only had a cup of coffee (because I can’t function without caffeine, duh.). I felt like the session went by super quick. I was in and out in about an hour, so it’s definitely not as time consuming and there is NO downtime after treatment! After my session I had some redness but nothing too crazy - the redness went down pretty fast so it didn’t stay red or swollen for long (they said it should go down in 2 hours). Watch the vlog I made below to see the equipment and hear me talk through the process.

My First Session Results:
I went in at a 33in waist and after my session I measured 32in - so I lost an inch during my first session. Something to note, a lot of times we want to see instantaneous results and I want to note this definitely feels like a process that you might notice subtle results but over time you’ll see a bigger difference. In the pic below you can see the small the progression (if you look at my crease on the side it does look smoother and a slight change).

Something to note - I am drinking lots of water (day of my session) although it’s encouraged, I actually have been feeling extra thirsty so naturally I’ve been hydrating more. I am also sticking with a low carb diet for the next 10 days and aiming to work out at least 5x a week. I want to make sure to help my body burn fat and get back in shape!

My next session will be in two weeks and I will be documenting each time I go and how much (if any) inches I lose off my waist. Follow along on my journey and make sure you’re subscribed to my Youtube!

Do you all have any questions about Cryoslimming? Either comment below or send them my way! Feel free to DM me on IG or send me an email!


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